Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Family Pictures

Well, I did not tell you, but my Mommy, Daddy, Shasta, and I had some family pictures taken a few days ago at this place called Jack Stone's Barn in Lemoore. I will not lie...I was NOT excited about this (and you can see it in some of the pictures). I really wanted to play with Miss Jaime's (the photographer's) camera, but well, she did not let me...'til the end. Thank goodness Mommy thought enough to bring my cell phone and Cookie Monster along! That made me happy. But you can click on the link below to enjoy some sneak peaks at the photos! They did come out pretty good...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Birthday Bonanza and Halloween Happenings

This weekend my C-Mom and R-Dad came to visit me. While they were here, many exciting things happened. We celebrated my birthday and Halloween! I got to open presents and eat cupcakes and cookies and go trick or treating. Mommy made me a special lion costume...just wait til you see it! There are two videos posted below with pictures. One is of my birthday celebration and the other of Halloween. Enjoy!
