Monday, April 19, 2010

Smiley me!

Here are the latest pictures of me and my family. Some of them are at home here in Lemoore. But there are others of our trip to Monterey this past weekend for the Dining Out that Mommy and Daddy went to. Hope you enjoy them!
I am building!
Look at me! I am so cute and smiley!
My Daddy and crazy big sister dog like to play with me.

Shasta snuggles...
Here I am in my big boy bath
I am not quite sure what to do.
Oh. I guess I am supposed to get soapy. Hmmm...not sure about this.
These are my morning smiles!
I am a happy guy when I get to play in the morning!
I love you!
Mr. Matt (Abbot) came to visit us one night and Shasta listened to him play piano...
Here we are in Monterey, CA. When we got there the Farmer's Blimp was flying overhead!
Mommy thinks this is funny. I don't.
Our hotel...well, actually the BOQ. Can you believe this is a BOQ?
We can't.
We went out to eat at Gionni's Pizza.
Mommy and Daddy said it was good pizza, but look at me sitting in a high chair! With a sippy cup!

This peacock was at the BOQ.
Mommy inched closer...
and closer...
and closer...
Finally she got there, but he would not show off his pretty feathers!
After all that, I was pooped!
What?! I was comfy!
Then I went on my date with my two girlfriends, Ella (far) and Sofia (close).
I did not know what to do. They are girls!
Meanwhile, Mommy and Daddy went to their Dining Out. This is when two silly guys put on hats and had foam swords to guard the beef as it was paraded (all part of the traditions, I guess).
Here is the beef! It is being checked to make sure it is fit for consumption.
Then a bunch of guys sang "God Bless America". Notice they are wearing mexican sombreros and a cactus also joined in on the fun.
When someone at the Dining Out does not follow the rules, they are sent to the Grog. That is a bowl filled with all sorts of alcohol. After you drink from the Grog, you must tip your glass over your head to prove it is empty. Otherwise you must drink again.
These guys did not want to drink from the Grog, so they asked to dance. They wound up being sent to the Grog anyway after the fact.
Didn't Mommy and Daddy look just fabulous?
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